KJV Dictionary Definition: accomplish


ACCOM'PLISH, v.t. L. compleo, to complete. See Complete.

1. To complete; to finish entirely.

That He would accomplish seventy years in the desolation of Jerusalem. Dan. 9

2. To execute; as to accomplish a vow, wrath or fury. Lev. 13 and 20.

3. To gain; to obtain or effect by successful exertions; as to accomplish a purpose. Prov. 13.

4. To fulfil or bring to pass; as, to accomplish a prophecy.

This that is written must yet be accomplished in me. Luke, 22.

5. To furnish with qualities which serve to render the mind or body complete, as with valuable endowments and elegant manners.



1. Finished; completed; fulfilled; executed; effected.

2. a. Well endowed with good qualities and manners; complete in acquirements; having a finished education.

3. Fashionable.


ACCOM'PLISHER, n. One who accomplishes.


ACCOM'PLISHING, ppr. finishing; completing; fulfilling; executing; effecting; furnishing with valuable qualities.



1. Completion; fulfillment; entire performance; as the accomplishment of a prophecy.

2. The act of carrying into effect, or obtaining an object designed; attainment; as the accomplishment of our desires or ends.

3. Acquirement; that which constitutes excellence of mind, or elegance of manners, acquired by education.